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I became interested in photography when my dad gave me a Kodak Instamatic in my preteen years. I took a few classes in high school but saw that what I liked to shoot would not earn me an income to support a family, so I set the desire to photograph aside until the kids were raised and out on their own. By that time the digital age of photography had arrived so I slowly eased into it. I'll admit I'm still technically challenged. I enjoy the actual image capturing as opposed to the processing. This was true back when the darkroom was in use during my film era. I engage in all manner of capture except wedding, portrait, and studio work. I would rather find subjects and rarely pre-visualize what I intend to capture. I am fascinated by the moment in time and the never to be the same again aspect of photography. I want to go beyond that with what I hope is a connection with the viewer so that they see why I took the picture. Currently I am gravitating towards black and white because I find myself more and more attracted to textures and forms. My original captures are done in color. Then in processing I decide if the capture conveys better what I saw in black and white or in color.

© 2018 RB Fritz Images .

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